Guitar of Light


London Reese and Cassandra Durand, age 12, are creating a touch-play guitar. Using simple materials to construct the frame; copper tape and a micro:bit are then used to control the sound output. This project comes at the end of a unit where students were propositioned to think of ways to help someone survive in the wilderness with a micro:bit and other basic electronic devices, requiring students to gather knowledge on circuits and programming. With survival in mind, Cassandra and London are making something someone could use to entertain themselves, or, just make a lot of noise to keep predators away.



12岁的London Reese和Cassandra Durand创造了一把可触摸演奏的吉他。他们使用了非常简单的材料来制作吉他框架,然后利用铜导电胶带和micro:bit(微型电脑开发板)来控制声音输出。这件作品来自于学生们之前完成的一个课程结果,在课上他们需要用一个micro:bit和一些基础电子器件帮助在荒野中求生的人,这需要他们使用学到的电路和编程知识。Cassandra和London因此制作了一把可以让求生者在荒野中自娱的吉他,或者可以用这把吉他制造噪音来驱赶野兽。