Photography : Maker Faire Official Photographer

“It was an incredible, moving experience that created a new genre, using the fashion show model to hack the fashion show…”

– Dale Dougherty, Maker Faire Founder (in “The Mother of All Maker Faires“)

Last week MakeFashion triumphed in the 10th annual Maker Faire Bay Area in San Mateo, “The Greatest Show & Tell on Earth”. The team presented four 40 minute runway shows in the Dark Room of Fiesta Hall, drawing a crowd of over 5000 people.

Each segment of the performance was a statement of self-expression, not only from the design teams  but also from the models who proudly wore each piece. The performers told stories of love, history, power, and commitment. From exquisite laser-cut wooden skirts depicting nebulas and constellations, to stunning multi-colored and addressable LED prosthesis covers, MakeFashion told the story of humanity’s journey using wearable technology and art as a vehicle for communication. It was an unforgettable experience for all who witnessed it; our teams and models answered hundreds of questions from the public during the finale, and shared their experiences in a relaxed ambiance after each of the shows. There were stars in the eyes of thousands of young makers taking pictures with our models.

Most of all, we want to share our happiness and enthusiasm: MakeFashion was presented with 2 Editor’s Choice Ribbons and was generously thanked by Dale Dougherty, Maker Faire Founder, for our contribution to the event. This recognition at the world’s largest Maker Faire, and being acknowledged having such a profound impact in the maker community is a big leap forward for all who are involved in MakeFashion. Fans can expect great innovations and projects to come in the following months!

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